Upcoming Grants, Festivals & Workshops

The world needs art now more than ever. Your work is important. Your creativity is vital. This is a list of project based grants, emergency grants, festivals, and workshops accepting applications now. Sending love to all you beautiful artists.


Foundation for Contemporary Arts Emergency Grants COVID-19 Fund

What? “The FCA EMERGENCY GRANTS COVID-19 FUND will offer one-time $1,500 grants on a rolling basis, intended to offset unplanned losses incurred by artists for expenses from already-purchased materials or equipment, or anticipated income from ticket sales, artist and commissioning fees, or other earnings related to a scheduled performance or exhibition that has been canceled or postponed due to the coronavirus outbreak. Applications will be required to meet FCA’s criteria of mission fit (contemporary, experimental work) and artistic excellence.”

When? Rolling

Where? https://www.foundationforcontemporaryarts.org/grants/emergency-grants

Artists Relief - Cycle IV

What? “Artist Relief will distribute $5,000 grants to artists facing dire financial emergencies due to COVID-19; serve as an ongoing informational resource; and co-launch the COVID-19 Impact Survey for Artists and Creative Workers, designed by Americans for the Arts, to better identify and address the needs of artists.”

When? July 22nd Deadline

Where? https://www.artistrelief.org/apply

The Awesome Foundation Monthly Grant

What? “Forwarding the interest of awesome in the universe, $1000 at a time”

When? Monthly

Where? https://www.awesomefoundation.org/en/submissions/new

Arts and Culture Leaders of Color Emergency Fund 

What? “This fund is for US-based BIPOC artists and administrators. This is a ONE-TIME micro grant of $200.”

When? Rolling

Where? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfv4AazvLFVUNAgXoxqBqfZ7jJVkrMroa-CET6Vt6XygR-CaQ/viewform?fbzx=-1512917064259987389

Emergency Survival Fund for LGBTQ2S Artists, Performers & Tip-Based Workers

What? “Glad Day has set up an emergency fund to help LGBTQ2S artists, performers & tip-based workers. This fund is not meant to help people recover lost income.”

When? Rolling

Where? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfxkDLz_TlsVGP-GHor0DTcsA-tI4eRT3BS75I9iJmQ38ys_g/viewform

Festivals & Workshops: 

Playbill’s Virtual Theatre Festival Live

What? “PLAYBILL VTF LIVE encourages theatre artists to think outside the black box and develop new forms of live theatre that can be experienced simultaneously with other audience members regardless of physical location or proximity.”

When? August 13th Deadline

Where? https://vtf.live

Broadway Bound Theatre Festival 2021

What? “Submissions are now open for Black playwrights only. 

In light of recent events, BBTF has decided to open an additional submission period for our 2021 Season for the inclusion of one more play WAIVING the $25 reader fee and $1000 acceptance.”

When? September 6th Deadline

Where? https://www.broadwayboundfestival.com/black-playwright-application

This Round’s On Us: Retrospect

What? 10 minute play festival with the theme - “RETROSPECT: The Worst of Times We have some epic fails in our past. Explore one of them. Was this a failure to all or just some? Could it have been prevented?   Should it have been prevented?  Take any angle you want, even speculating what it would mean if things were different.”

When? August 8th

Where? https://www.nylonfusion.org/submissions

Fault Line Theatre - Irons in the Fire

What? “Irons in the Fire is Fault Line Theatre's year-round reading series of new plays in development.”

When? September 15th Deadline

Where? https://www.faultlinetheatre.org/submissions

Sarah Kleist